on 02 March 2014
I didn't mean to make this post to be something like a boast to you.  I just feel so existed that we finally bought a brand new car. Yes, this is our first.

Because of the pregnancy has reached in the second semester, we planned to have a four wheels vehicle to make my wife's mobility more comfortable in Jakarta.  We decided to buy a MPV car which has 3 rows of seating, so 7 to 8 family members can be getting inside. I wanted the car immediately in Jan 2014 and before leaving again for another business trip to Papua.

From the beginning of our plan and from my big family's car history, Toyota Innova will be the one in the first top list.  The Nissan Grand Livina and Honda Mobilio will be the others in the top 3.  Besides, a must have A/T (Automatic Transmission) as the prerequisite so it's easy for my wife to drive herself in the traffic of Jakarta.

In the last-last week of Dec 2013, we started the car shopping from malls, car exhibitions, and authorized dealers, but still the offerings wasn't "clicked" to us.  Finally, we went to Toyota Auto 2000 Salemba, just 10 minutes from our apartment, to get a deal. Straight to the point, we asked the spv if there is a Brand New Toyota Innova - G Type available with A/T and Gray color.

After they checked into the system, and unfortunately such specs was out of stock in the whole TA 2000 in Jakarta.  Though there was a big discount happening in TA 2000 for the Year End Sale, we went home and got nothing until the New Year.

Finally, on Tuesday, 31st Dec 2013, just before the New Year's Eve, I got a call from the spv in TA 2000, telling that there is one car left because another customer has cancelled the order but unfortunately it's black.  After discussing with my wife, we decided to take the brand new car.  The spv even gave us a big deal more than we were expecting, we got a 25 juta discount, a free leather car seat covers, and carpets.

After the payment done, we got a vehicle number: B 1431 SYQ (means: lADI Sayangqu - ladi my darling). This wasn't a special request and we didn’t pay for this, just a coincident.  So Much Win!

Just view weeks after, we received the car and we went to Subang for the first ride.  We were invited by my sister in law for their church ceremony.

Lucky us, when we visited Subang, we received a blessing and ulos from Ephorus, Pdt. Willem Simarmata, presiding bishop of the HKBP.

on 03 January 2014
Hello.. am back!

Happy New Year, by the way.

Ever since I moved to the current company (it's been 3 years already) and got married with the woman who loves me(almost a year ago), this kinda blogging has been erased from my head. I keep searching to the net and reading other people's blog about their stories, but why wouldn't I start writing ours?

Well..hummn.. We are going to have a baby!!!  Yes, this is the happiness we're sharing with you. I have been waiting for weeks to finally post this on my blog.

Me and wife live separately in two different away city because of our job; she stays in Jakarta and am in Balikpapan now.  We didn't take a special pregnancy program or kinda, although this idea has ever been passed out into our mind.  We just keep trying and believing the right day will come to us.  Finally, after waiting the blessing patiently for 9 months since our marriage, God sent us the answer. He sent a little angel from heaven to live inside my wife's womb.

We noticed this gift after my wife's menstrual cycle is not happening when it's period.  Actually, this used to happen for her, so she kept waiting and does her dailies instead of checking the urine with the Pregnancy Test Strip, which may result in disappointment.  After two weeks, I asked her to check the first urine in the morning with the Test Strip before she go for bath.  After finishing her bath, she checks the Test Strip and found two lines; one line bold but another one is not clear enough.

We was a bit surprised and curious, as we've never got such test result like this earlier.  The next day, my wife tried with a different Test Strip brand and the result same, but now the second line shown clear enough.  Another day, she tried with a third different brand and same result as well. The more we test, more bold it looks for the second line.  Then we decided we shall be getting the 100% "yes" from the Obgyn specialist.

I flew to Jakarta for a business trip, and this time we'll meet a doctor.  We reserved a medical appointment with dr. Oni Khonsa, Sp.OG in RSIA Tambak.  So how do I know this dr?  Just put her name in the google search, and you will find out what other people tell about her, and I must say it's true.  We told her about the Pregnancy Test Strip result and answered some standard questions, like when was the first day of the last menstrual, did my wife feel the morning sickness, etc..etc. Suddenly the dr asked my wife to sit in the USG seat and said, "let's prove if you are really pregnant!"  Then the trans-vaginal USG began.

Just some seconds later when we saw the USG figure in TV Screen, the dr says, "Congratulation, you will have a baby".  Me and wife looking each other and I must say it's freaking awesome when we noticed that we are now expecting.  The dr explains the information from the USG figure in details.  One information I keep remembered, the day was Monday, 28th Oct.13, and the age was 5w2d young (5 weeks and 2 days).  So every Monday, the age will be increased 1 week.  Next check-up we expect to see the heart beats, head, hands, and foot.

So..here is the 1st capture.