on 23 April 2006
Look at the time I write this page. +1 hour Cuz I'm inside GMT+8, South Sulawesi. Gilak bener!
Have u ever feel like I feel now? Here, at Inco I spend my whole weekend at office, huh.. so terrible. My project that will become their software will get UAT on Tuesday. And hopefully will going live at May 7th, 2006 after training the workforces.
I've been working like this since 3 days ago. Always at home after 2 am. Installing, setup, bugs fixing, covering user complaints are most likely my busy. And by that I almost forget to take meal everyday. Fortunately, I'm arround professional workers. They came from different corner in this word - Cananda, Aussie, Texas, German, Japan, and so on. Everything in schedule so never say "Late". Fun and serious are found, what a great team and company.
People in Inco are so strong, I mean besides smart they can handling job on their own. They used to take overtime and some of them are with me now. "Hello.. Calvin how are u feeling?" But one can pause my dejected, Snacks - always available everytime. And what do u want?
Anyway talking about my feeling, I need to continue my work. Key..
Welcome to the jungle. Hu..yeach!
on 12 April 2006
Coba lunch yg aneh-aneh dulu akh, biar agak lamaan dikit soalnya aku bosan di kantor. Pusing, masalahku belum solve sampe sekarang. Kali ini aku en Tupa coba masuk ke American Grill di The Plaza Semanggi. Kita ambil paket "All eat free". Kebetulan kita mo ke luar kota, jadi makan enak dulu lah - puding bahasa gaulnya.
Emang betul, kita makan yg aneh-aneh disitu, serba american food. Mulai dari yg didoreng-goreng, dipanggang, dikukus sampe yg mentah ada. Kita habiskan waktu sampe 3jam. Itu pun karena masuk kantor lg, coba kalo gk, wah bakalan sampe closing tuh resto. Kenyang abis bok.
Nah ini nih, Firstly, mereka bilang harganya masih masuk akal, but pas kita mo bayar, harganya jd sperti makan bertiga. Kita gk tanyak sih, biasa lah kalo makan di tempat sperti itu, gk banyak tanyak. Biar dianggap dah biasa. Gengsi donk man! Hehehe, dasar munaK.
Cuih, ampun deh..gk bakalan lg. Mana pulang2 gua disambut hujan lg.
Copet sialan, di depan mataku kau berbuat nista keparaT!
Cari kerja yg halal donk!
Masih pagi begini aku sudah disamperin sama tingkah copet angkot. Dengan melihat 5 orang copet dalam bus yg ku naiki, aku merasa sial - Man of ill omen. Pas ada wanita muda yg mau turun, si copet lantas menggelilingi dan mencari kesibukan, berdesak-desakan disekitar korban (kebiasaan copet sebelum beraksi). Watchful by the behavioral of man like this!
I saw them! Tangan pria yg berada di belakangnya mulai meraba dan akhirnya memasuki dan mengeledah seluruh isi tas wanita itu, asli banget man, but tak membuahkan hasil. I'm sure, penumpang yg lain jg melihat kejadian itu, tp gk ada yg ambil pusing. Cuek-cuek-cuek, gt lah penduduk jakarta. No thoughtfulness!
Yah mungkin si ibu mo ngerjain copet itu kali, yah.. :D
on 11 April 2006
Yesterday, we cook mie gomak sent by Nantulang Tampu from Sitoluama. It was delicious. There was 4 pcs mie gomak (4 kg). But we cook 2 pcs only. Besides it, she sent us a letter written by her hand which containing that she miss us so much. Oh, very heartwarming and at the backside she wrote the ways to cook the noodles. And this was so funny.

Sherly and Echi bought the recipes at Pasar Senen. And you know it's hard to find "andaliman" in Jakarta after seeking for 3 hours. Because andaliman is a ripe flavour which used by certain people (usually batak ethnic) to make food more spicy. In the begining, a group of female ashamed to cook. But in the end they was sophisticated enough.

There was about 6 most talented cooks in Senen. Right to Left: Pesta, Sherly, Monica, Echi, Tinormaida, and Lady. They cooperate and finally become a very extraordinary noodles with a flavour of "andaliman" that was felt to nip in tongue. What a very tasted food. We were remembered our past at Kede Nantulang at evening time. But there was something which still lessed - "bakwan". Haha. No matter what! Mie gomak have been served.

Thank you so much Nantulang, we will reciprocate your kindliness.
Sunday night at Bakrie Hall, Jakarta.
It was an amazing event after we prepare for two months. The Opening and Inauguration of
Chief of Del Alumni Association. The alumni was close and everybody in the event enjoy it and they brought their own style. More than 100 alumnis attend and have seen professional from their dressy. The guests are:

- Mr Luhut Pandjaitan and wife
- Mr Patuan Simatupang and wife
- Mr Saswinadi Sasmojo
- Ibu Inggriani Liem
- Mr Bungaran Saragih
- Mr Peter Djatmiko
- Mr Risman Adnan
- Mr Oyan Simatupang and wife
- Ibu Radema

The photographs will be available soon.
on 08 April 2006
Guys, u know what! Nowadays I love to work overtime in my office especifically on Saturday. ONLY Saturday, the weekend job where rare people do this.
Do u guys know why i have to do this?
Because we take free lunch at Bakmi GM and for extra we used to order big hot pan pizza for each - Beef Topping and Vegetarian Pizza at about 03pm.
Oh Yeach.. damn delicious. And besides, we also celebrate for Togi and Moris' leaving on Monday to Soroako. While i will leaving for there next week.Till I forget that today is The General Rehearsal (GR) of our event - Opening and Inauguration of Chief of Del Alumni Association at Senen. Whereas I'm going to take MC and entertainment field. Oh Jesus, They'll kill me!!!
Ehmn..nyam..nyam, forget it!
on 06 April 2006
this is the game that moves as you play..

American Idol Top 9 - Country Song. Kemarin malam mereka membawakan lagu musik2 Country dgn dibantu sang legenda, Kenny Rogers. How was their performance last night? Overall sih, gak terlalu bagus, tapi ada bbrp yg cukup menonjol! Cuman sayangnya seorang Mandisa harus dieliminasi dengan membawakan lagu "Any man of mine". Padahal dalam babak ke-4 ini Mandisa baru masuk dalam posisi yg tidak aman dan langsung pulang. Yang juga gak kalah mengejutkan adanya Paris Benet yg ada di 3 terbawah bareng Mandisa dan Elliot Yamin.

For me, She is one of the most talented contestants ever on American Idol 5, and it's too bad that she had one bad night and America decides to give her the boot, while some people are more deserving to leave before her.

And this was what the judges said about Mandisa. Check it out!

Randy : Another interesting night. Weird song choice. The end was together. You showed some personality at the end. The last 5 seconds were great.
Paula : You can sing the phonebook. Your voice is amazing.
Simon : I thought the song was horrible. I liked the 4 seconds after.

Here is a list of Top 9 American Idol based on polling:
1. Taylor, 2. Katharine, 3. Kellie, 4. Chris, 5. Ace, 6. Bucky, 7. Paris, 8. Elliott, 9. Mandisa
on 03 April 2006
I've been thingking this before I go to Soroako on April,11th and must buy a communicator. Finally, I got this chance after waiting for several weeks. Having a new mobile and no. Last night I went to Roxy Square with my close girlfriend to bought that. There was so much kind of mobile and the price was compete and cheaper than other place in Jakarta CuZ Roxy emang begitu, Hp center..

Finding the suitable one (cost, brand, type, spec) is not easy. Because for me, I need to read magazine, browsing the net, and asking friends maybe. And after all, I choose for this one (N3230):

And my new no is 0813-8268-4040.

Asik juga loh, complete.. You can play Mp3/Mp4, Camera 1.3 MP 1280 x 960 px, FM Radio, Video/Voice Recorder, MMC 32MB Included, Infrared, Bluetooth, Built-in speaker and many more. Check it out on the site!
(This photo is about representing some occupants of Senen, it will updated soon till 24 persons)

For almost a half year we together living in a building in Jakarta (we used to say kos-kosan), and now it's time to say "Sayonara, Auf Wiedersehen (German), adiĆ³s (Spanish), au revoir (French), arrivederci (Italian)".

There was 22 persons living there formerly after Tohap leaving for Medan and Harul became his substitution. Now the 22 become 20. Cuz two of our friend have found their hope and dream - Santi and Delvi. Both was roommate previously and got job in a same week. Santi had move to her new environment in Tebet (South Jakarta) yesterday, while Delvi leaving for Medan for a year job contract this morning. So last night we did a Touching Farewell in her room. Everybody participates in, saying words and singging together. You guy's be good there. Till we meet again.

Now her current roommate will get single - Echie. Anybody female there want to Jakarta? So Eci wont single anymore.