2 Films 4 The Past 3 Months

on 06 March 2006

As you probably know, I am a big movie fan. But unfortunately, I did not get a chance to see all of the nominated films last year, which is odd because I normally do, but I can tell you that for the past 3 months I just see two films - Crash and Brokeback Mountain which are old (Ya..thats bcos my heavy damn schedule). Brokeback Mountain is the one with the most hype and may pull away with the Victory, but as far as I am concerned the best film over two above was Crash. It was an incredible look into the racism that plagues US and me so. I did see Brokeback Mountain and it was a good film but it has been way over hyped because of the controversial themes in the movie. It was good not exceptional, I think that if homosexuality was not such a big issue right now then Brokeback Mountain would not even be considered for the best picture. Crash is amazing. If you haven't see it yet, I just hope you can see past the controversial themes and look at which one is the best... and that one is Crash.

But I am positive for Best Director - Feature Film over two, Ang Lee is going to win this one for Brokeback Mountain and he was very good, so without any real opinion on this subject, I submit my vote to Ang Lee. And I think Crash reasonable to be the Best Screenplay - Original than Brokeback Mountain.

Guys, Check it out if you don't see it yet!